Monday, 2 February 2015

Apply For Lewisham Football College

In the UK, football is a serious passion.

There is no doubt that football, or soccer, is a passion in the United Kingdom unrivaled by any other sport. The rock-star status attained by the best players is strong incentive for the up-and-coming. To be worthy of the professional class, a player must not only train prodigiously, but examine the fundamentals and mechanics of the sport as well. Not surprisingly, institutions of higher learning have capitalized on this national passion, offering entire curricula dedicated to football. Lewisham College Football Academy is one such school, touting its exclusive relationship with the Charlton Athletic Football Club. Entry requires more than filling out forms.


1. Determine the appropriate course for your age level and experience (see Resources). It is the course to which you are seeking admission. There are courses for those 16 to 18, 19 and up, and 21 and up.

2. Apply for the selected course(s) online at the Lewisham website (see Resources). The school promises a prompt response.

3. Attend an interview at the South London campus, if invited. Be prepared to elaborate on or restate any answers given on the application.

4. Attend a trial, or assessment, if asked. Also known as a "taster," this session will evaluate your skills to date and measure your potential for the future. Trial dates are posted on the website.
