Friday, 6 March 2015

Decorate For A Motherdaughter Banquet

Use vintage items for decorations at a mother-daughter banquet.

A mother-daughter banquet should evoke spring, flowers, sun and fashion. Think of beauty when designing your decorations. Also, make sure you set a budget. Fresh flowers, for example, are a costly addition to any decoration. You can still get a beautiful look by incorporating vintage items and using a minimum of flowers.


1. Gather vintage items from friends, family members and the mother-daughter banquet committee. You want a wide variety of vintage bonnets, church hats, saucers, tea cups and costume jewelry. Make sure you take photographs of each of collection that is loaned to you so you can make sure you return the proper trinkets to the owners after the banquet. One way to ensure this may be to seat the owners at the table with their decorations.

2. Place a hat stand on as many tables as possible, and top the stand with a decorative, vintage hat.

3. Surround the hat stand with strings of pearls, brooches and other costume jewelry. Another idea is to lay down a mirror or a saucer, and arrange a few pieces on the surface of the mirror or saucer.

4. Place vintage tea cups and saucers--mismatched ones add charm--in random places near the hat stand. You also can fill some of the tea cups with water and toss a flower into the cup.

5. Fill miniature flower vases with inexpensive flowers--such as daisies--and a little warm water. Scatter around the table, placing some of the vases in the tea cups.

Tags: mother-daughter banquet, vintage items, costume jewelry, make sure, mirror saucer, stand with