Monday, 9 March 2015

Get In The Teachers Lounge In "Nancy Drew Secrets Can Kill"

"Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill" was the first in a series of 22 games based on the popular fictional sleuth. In it, you play Nancy Drew trying to solve a murder at a Florida school. One of the levels in the game sees you attempting to gain entry into the teachers lounge to search for clues to who is behind the killing.


1. Go to the diner after leaving the school.

2. Talk to Daryl and use all the conversation topics available to you in the in-game menu that appears; note the menu board in the diner urging you to find the bolt cutters.

3. Go through the doors into the diner's kitchen.

4. Look left and pick up the ladle in the black pan.

5. Go to the stove and press the lower-left corner of the unit.

6. Pick up the bolt cutters and replace them with the ladle you found previously.

7. Leave the diner and go back to the front of the school. Locate the third window pane on the window furthest to the left. Use the bolt cutters to force open the window; you can now enter the teachers lounge.

Tags: bolt cutters, Nancy Drew, Drew Secrets, Drew Secrets Kill, Nancy Drew Secrets