Imagine a job where you get to go out every night and constantly be surrounded by people. It’s the kind of job where you’re on the forefront of the hottest and hippest clubs around. You feel like you’re the center of attention. If you didn’t think a job like that existed then you’ve never heard of a club promoter. Club promoters are paid to promote the newest clubs and bars and to get new customers into those places. Being a club promoter requires a friendly face and the ability to get along with all types of people.
1. Learn promotion skills by taking classes in public relations and speech at a local college. Promoters often approach complete strangers to get them excited about the newest club or make speeches in front of large crowds to introduce the new club.
2. Offer to help with local events and do as much volunteer work as possible. It’s not always easy to immediately find work as a club promoter. Start offering your services for free to local festivals, fairs and anything else you can think of. Once you have a little experience, you can start seeking out potential clients.
3. Create a website and a Myspace page devoted to your club promoter business. Even if you’re just starting out you can create a website and a Myspace page to show potential clients the type of person you are. After you promote a few clubs you can begin updating your page with pictures from those events.
4. Work your way up from the ground level. No one can expect to start making money as a club promoter without first putting in some time and effort. That means you need to start out at any job in PR you can find, even if it doesn’t sound glamorous.
5. Make as many friends as possible, including some celebrity friends. While it’s nice to get celebrities to drop by your favorite parties and events, it’s not always possible especially if you live in a smaller area. The more friends and acquaintances you have though, the more people you can invite to parties.
Tags: club promoter, Myspace page, potential clients, website Myspace, website Myspace page