Make a "Cindy Lou Who" Costume
Cindy Lou Who is an iconic character from Dr. Seuss's "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." Cindy Lou is responsible for helping the Grinch learn the meaning of Christmas and her distinctive look makes her a good choice for a Halloween or Christmas costume party. Cindy Lou Who's hairdo is likely the most difficult part of her costume to create, so use a wig rather than your own hair.
1. Turn the cup upside down and cover it with the blonde hair piece using the hot glue gun.
2. Place the blonde wig on a soccer ball, basketball or a friend's head to help hold it in place while you create Cindy Lou Who's hairdo.
3. Hot glue the cup to the top center of the wig. When it is in place, pull some of the hair surrounding the cup up over it, tying it at the top with a red bow. This will create the tall ponytail that sits on top of her head.
4. Divide the rest of the hair into pigtails on either side of her head. Braid the pigtails around a straightened metal clothes hanger, cutting away any excess hanger that extends out of the braid.
5. Bend the hanger upwards so that the pigtails make U shapes on either side of the wig.
6. Choose a black checkered dress from your closet, a thrift store or a yard sale.
7. Use a red cape from a vampire or devil costume. Alternatively, make your own using a red sheet.
8. Hot glue a white boa around the edges of the cape to complete the Cindy Lou Who outfit.
9. Wear long, exaggerated eyelashes and plenty of pink blush to finish the look.
Tags: Cindy Costume, Cindy hairdo, either side, Make Cindy, Make Cindy Costume