The Smith Corona company manufactures a number of products related to word processing, such as typewriters and word processing software. Any document made by a Smith Corona word processing program is given the ".pwp" extension. If you need to convert a file with this extension to one recognized by Windows, such as a WordPerfect file, you can do so with the right equipment and a special converter program.
1. Select the link in the References section to download the .pwp conversion program in a .zip folder.
2. Move the .exe file from the .zip folder you have downloaded to your computer desktop. Double-click the .exe file to begin the program.
3. Press the "1" key to begin the .pwp conversion process. When prompted, insert your Smith Corona disc into the floppy disc drive that is connected to your computer. Once inserted, the program will convert all .pwp files on your floppy disc to WordPerfect format and place them on your desktop.
Tags: Smith Corona, word processing, file with, floppy disc, your computer