Thursday, 13 November 2014

Create An Evite Invitation

Following in the steps of electronic greeting cards surpassing the real mailbox stuffers, electronic invitations hit party-goers' inboxes from websites such as The free service allows a party or event planner to customize every step of the planning process, with benefits such as instant R.S.V.P. notifications and the ability to check guest responses online. The Evite website offers a step-by-step process for creating an invitation, along with many suggestions for themes and designs.


1. Navigate to the website and click the "Create an Invitation" button on the right side of the page.

2. Scroll through the Occasions list in the left column of the page or type a term into the search box at the top of the column. The less specific you are, the more returns you'll get -- for example, "birthday" rather than "two-year old twins birthday party."

3. Click a link to an occasion to open the featured evites for that category. Scroll through the designs on the page or click the arrows at the bottom of the page to see more pages of that category, where applicable.

4. Click an invitation. It becomes highlighted with a green border, and the evite input screen opens.

5. Type the title of the event, such as "Cat Adoptathon" in the Event Title text box. This is required.

6. Pull down the "Event Type" menu and choose a topic. The category associated with the invite, such as fundraiser, will already be defaulted, but you can change this if you want. The Event Type is required.

7. Type the host name in the Host box, such as your own name or nickname. This is required.

8. Fill in the information about where the event will be held and contact details. These items are not required but will give invitees more information on which to base their decision.

9. Click in the "When" boxes and set the date and time for the event. This is required.

10. Add optional details, such as a description of the event, in the Message box. Click the "Next Step" button.

11. Click in the contact entry box above the "Add to Guest List" button. Type the invitees' email addresses, separated by a comma or by pressing the "Enter" key. You can also log into an Evite account and add contacts from previous invites or import a mailing list from an email client.

12. Click the "Next Step" button. The final page looks like a mishmash of check boxes and menus and really has no requirements. If desired, just click the "Finish & Send" button, and the Evite will be mailed. You can choose to customize the Evite with response headers, select be notified when guests R.S.V.P., set restrictions on who can bring guests and introduce yourself with a few personal details on the Evite if desired, all in this window.

Tags: This required, Click Next, Click Next Step, Event Type, Next Step, Next Step button