Tuesday 19 May 2015

Hawaiian Theme Party Games

The Hawaiian theme transports the party guests to a tropical island with the right decorations and party activities. Whether the party focuses on the luau aspect or a general Hawaiian theme, games get the guests moving and laughing. Most Hawaiian-themed party activities are adaptable to fit a wide range of ages. If both children and adults will attend the party, consider making two different heats for each competition to create an even playing field. Does this Spark an idea?

Beach Gear Relay

Divide the party guests into two teams. Gather two identical sets of beach gear, one for each team. Ideas for the beach gear include a Hawaiian print shirt, a pair of large swim trunks, swimming goggles, a snorkel and swimming fins. The first person on each team dresses in the outfit, races to the opposite end of the playing area, around a cone or chair and back to the starting line. The first players remove the gear and pass it on to the second team members who repeat the process. The first team to have all players complete the task wins.

Another relay option is to have the players roll a coconut down the length of the playing area. Have them use either their hands, a stick or a broom to move the coconut along the ground.

Don't Say

Provide each guest with a lei upon arriving at the party. Select a forbidden word that the guests aren't supposed to say during the party. Think of a word that will likely come up often such as party, summer or Hawaii. During the course of the party, if someone says the forbidden word, the person who catches him say it gets his lei. At the end of the party, award a prize to the person who collects the most leis.


Contests add a friendly competition to the party games. A hula hoop contest gets the guests moving. Allow them to practice for five minutes before the contest begins; some time has probably passed since theit last hula hooping experience. Award a prize to the person who hula hoops the longest. For more variety, hold different hula hoop contests, using the waist, neck or arm for hula hooping.

A hula dancing contest provides another option for the party guests. Provide each contestant with a grass skirt to set the mood. Play Hawaiian music in the background; let them dance the hula. Assign one person the task of judging the contestants. Award a prize to the winner with the best dance moves.

Costume contests are a popular choice for party entertainment. In the invitation, ask the guests to come dressed in a costume that fits the Hawaiian theme. Let them know that prizes are at stake. Choose one costume as the best overall, or create several awards, such as best dressed, most creative or funniest costume.

Tags: Hawaiian theme, party guests, Award prize, beach gear, each team, forbidden word, guests moving