Monday 16 March 2015

Draw Armadillo Cartoons

Armadillos can be a good subject for cute cartoons.

Related to sloths and anteaters, armadillos live in Central, South and North America. Though their vision is poor, armadillos have a protective shell that covers their bodies. This gives the animals their strange appearance. Armadillos have short legs but can run fast, and they are also capable swimmers. The average length of an armadillo is thirty inches, but the giant armadillo can be twice as long. This is a tutorial on drawing a cartoon armadillo in profile.


1. Begin by drawing an outline of the armadillo's head. Start your drawing at the curve of the armadillo's throat, work around to the tip of the animal's nose and move to the top of its head.

2. Add the nearest ear to the back of the armadillo's head, and make sure the ear is slanting slightly forward. Add the second ear just in front of the nearest ear, slightly concealed by the first ear.

3. Draw a rough circle just behind the armadillo's head. The circle should start from the back of the nearest ear, just under halfway up, and loop around and connect to the bottom of the nearest ear. Behind the circle, draw four thin curved lines joined together at the top and bottom. Next, draw a semicircle that connects to and hangs slightly below behind the last curved line. You should now have the armadillo's armored body.

4. Roughly sketch the armadillo's four legs and tail. Use a single line for each leg and for the tail. Draw another line for each foot and complete the legs. Add three pointed toes to the end of each foot. Complete the animal's tail, which should curl around into a point. Add stripes to the tail.

5. Place the armadillo's eye fairly high on its head. For the purposes of a cartoon, make the eye large and round and with the pupil particularly big at its center.

Tags: armadillo head, each foot, line each