Friday 27 March 2015

Freeze Nasturtium Flowers

Because nasturtium flowers can be used in so many culinary dishes, it's tempting to want to find a way to preserve this spicy and delicious flower. Unfortunately, because the nasturtium is a tender annual, it doesn't freeze well for later use in dishes. There is one way, however, to freeze nasturtium flowers and still put them out when you're entertaining guests in your home that is sure to please the eye even though it won't be eaten. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Collect a variety of colors of your flowers and be sure to shake off any bugs, such as aphids, as much as possible before bringing them indoors.

2. Rinse the flowers well with cool water to remove dirt or stray pollen. Pinch off any stems as close to the bud as possible with your fingernails or cut it with a clean knife.

3. Place a single flower in each well of the ice cube tray. Gently push down any petals that stick up from the uppermost surface of the tray.

4. Fill each well of the tray with water to fully cover each flower. Place the tray in your freezer and leave for at least a day to freeze. These can be kept in the freezer as long as the cubes are intact and the petals aren't sticking out.

5. Use the ice cubes to float in a punch bowl or in individual glasses to have a perfect addition of flowers to your party. As the cubes melt the flowers can be discarded.

Tags: each well, nasturtium flowers