Thursday 26 March 2015

Find Unique Toddler Birthday Party Ideas

Toddlers enjoy more simplistic birthday themes.

When you're little, there's nothing quite as special as a birthday. From that pivotal first birthday celebration, parents are compelled to make each subsequent birthday party even more memorable than the last. For toddlers, children aged three or younger, a lot of party themes, and even the concept of a party itself, may be lost on them. This means your party has to do two things at once. It has to entertain your toddler as well as thrill the older guests who attend. Thanks to simple themes, your creativity can ensure a fun time is had by all. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Create a birthday around animals. This opens up a wide range of options from a farm to a jungle to the ocean. Start with your child's favorite and build from there. Get a cake decorated in the shape of an animal and include stuffed animals and animal stickers in the goody bags.

2. Aim for a whimsical theme in which children can participate in fanciful fun using simple ideas found right in your garden. For a "bug" party, create homemade antennae and give them to each child so that they can be a bug too. Gear activities around that general theme, like dancing the "Jitterbug" whenever a certain song is played.

3. Make it a dress-up party. Include a box of different costume ideas and allow each child to pick their identity for the party. This can be your theme or work in conjunction with other themes, such as a favorite color, movie or nursery rhyme.

4. Ask your toddler to participate in the party planning. Nothing is more individual than your child. Let your toddler pick the music or colors and allow him or her to be prince or princess over the day.

Tags: your toddler, each child, your child