Wednesday 25 March 2015

Find Jobs On Oahu

Oahu is the third-largest island in Hawaii's chain of islands. The majority of Hawaii's population lives on Oahu, and the island features cities such as Honolulu and Waikiki, famous beaches and surfing along the North Shore and the Pearl Harbor naval base and memorial. Oahu also is home to a variety of industries ranging from tourism and fruit processing to hospitality and military contracting. Rely on three kinds of resources to find a job on Oahu.


1. Use federal and state government resources. The Hawaii Department of Labor's Workforce Development division publishes a career portal that offers a wide variety of resources for the Oahu jobseeker. You can view job listings through the state's HireNet Hawaii program, learn about apprenticeship programs for construction and building trades, view employment statistics and check the island's master job fair calendar. The U.S. Department of Labor chose Honolulu as the host for the Hawaii location for its national job corps program, allowing Oahu residents to learn about job openings on the island and get training for those jobs. Oahu also features five of the nine U.S. Department of Labor Career One-Stop centers in the state of Hawaii, providing Oahu jobseekers opportunities to explore job listings, drop off resumes, interview for positions and obtain job training.

2. Check local newspapers. Newspapers targeting the island of Oahu, such as the "Hawaii Star-Advertiser," the "North Shore News" and the "Honolulu Weekly," publish employment listings in their classified ads sections. Note that the smaller newspapers and the alternative weeklies--like the "North Shore News"--only publish employment ads in the print versions of their papers; larger newspapers offer job ads in both their digital and print editions.

3. Attend a career fair. Local employers, colleges and government agencies host career fairs on Oahu for job hunters on the island. Check the Hawaii College and Career Fair site to view schedules and locations on Oahu, or explore the job fair calendar published by the Hawaii Department of Labor. You can also contact the career centers of local community colleges or universities, but note that most college career centers on Oahu focus on providing employment assistance for graduating students or recent alumni.

Tags: Department Labor, North Shore, career centers, fair calendar, Hawaii Department