Thursday 9 July 2015

Decorate An Elmo Kids Room On A Budget

decorate an Elmo kids room on a budget

You don't need to spend allot of money to decorate a child's bedroom. With some creativity and team work you can transform a kids room into an exciting and inviting space that your child to enjoy.

Below are steps to creating the perfect Elmo bedroom for your child. Does this Spark an idea?


1. There is so much Elmo decor available at your local retail store, on the internet and even at yard sales and flea markets that it makes it easy to decorate your child's room with Elmo.

I am going to show you decorate your child's bedroom using your child's creativity. This will be a one of a kind Elmo room!

2. The first step in creating the perfect Elmo kid's room.

Paint the walls a neutral color. Ex. beige, sand, off white or tan.

Paint the wood work a few shades lighter than the walls.

Let the paint dry 24 hours before proceeding to the next step

3. Now it's time to get creative with Elmo!

Print out several Elmo coloring pages

* give 4 to your child to color.

Using your carbon paper trace the coloring pages onto the walls, leaving one wall free for your child's pictures.

Take your craft paints and squeeze a generous amount into your pie pan.

Paint in the Elmo tracings that you just placed on the walls.

4. Your child's Elmo bedroom should have their own personal signature.

Remember the coloring pages that you asked your child to paint? You are now going to place them in the 8x10 frames that you purchased from the supply list in "things you'll need" section of this article.

* Hang them in a group of 4 on the wall that you left free while tracing your coloring pages.

*** encourage your child to draw or color more Elmo pictures and add them to this wall each time they finish one. This is a great way to allow you child to add a personal touch to their room. It's also a great way to build memories as you look back to when each one was done.

Tags: your child, coloring pages, child bedroom, creating perfect, creating perfect Elmo