Monday 21 December 2015

Be A Funny Clown

Be a Funny Clown

Clowns have been around for centuries. The traditional clown-dressed in a colorful costume with white face makeup, a big, red nose and wild, colorful hair-has been a staple of circuses, state fairs and children's birthday parties. If you have a knack for making people laugh, and are looking for a way to make a little extra money, consider creating your own funny clown persona and going into the business of clowning around.


1. Come up with a name for your clown persona. The name itself should be something funny. Bozo the Clown and Weary Willie are two famous, humorous clown names. Think of a name that makes you chuckle, then you'll know you've found the right one.

2. Design a face and a costume. Humor is the goal, so consider a bright, unmatched look for your clothes. A typical, colored clown suit with boxers worn on the outside might be a good idea. Consider attaching suspenders to your boxers to hold them up. Accent your mouth with bright red or orange makeup; include a huge, permanent smile. Draw odd, mismatched shapes around your eyes. You can visit a costume shop for ideas and items you can use.

3. Determine who your audience is and write jokes tailored for them. If you plan to entertain kids, silly, awful jokes are helpful. If your primary audience will be adults, make your humor risque or incorporate jokes adults will understand.

4. Outline a skit. Don't focus on details. A lot of what it takes to be a funny clown is the same as what it takes to be a funny stand-up comedian. Leave plenty of room in your skit for improvisation. A lot of clowns make up their act as they go, playing off their audience. The more general the routine you write down, the less you will be confined. Incorporate talents you might have, such as juggling, magic or even playing a music instrument, such as a guitar or kazoo. Consider writing songs with humorous lyrics.

Tags: clown persona, funny clown, takes funny, what takes, what takes funny