Monday 2 March 2015

Customize Life Size Standups

A customized life size standup is an eye catching marketing tool.

Give a life size standup a personal touch by adding a few simple touches. Life size standups are full scale cardboard images that are available for thousands of celebrities and famous characters. Customizing a standup allows you to accessorize the cardboard cutout and send a unique message. Take a life size standup to the next level by contributing your original ideas, art and sense of humor. A few basic art supplies and a creative imagination is all you need.


1. Cut out pieces of posterboard to make accessories for the life size standup. Cartoon style thought bubbles and talking balloons provide space for a custom message. Consider cutting out posterboard watches, glasses and ties to change the look of the standup's wardrobe.

2. Color in and fill out the cut out cardboard pieces using permanent markers. Match the color palette of your accessories to the original colors used in the standup print for a more believable look.

3. Stick the posterboard accessories onto the standup with thin double sided tape. Use the cutout player from a musical greeting card to back one of the accessories for an interactive standup. Choose a song that matches the theme of the standup. Affix a small sign inviting viewers to "gently lift" on the musical accessory so they can enjoy the recording.

4. Draw directly onto the standup with permanent markers to add more custom touches like missing teeth and facial hair.

Tags: life size standup, size standup, life size, onto standup, onto standup with