Thursday 12 February 2015

Celebrate Christmas The Christian Way

Nativity Scene

Christmas began when Jesus was born in a tiny manger to a virgin named Mary and her husband Joseph. Somewhere along the way, Christmas lost its Christian origin. It has now become a celebration of Santa Claus and his reindeer. People are expecting to receive lots of gifts, especially children. There are several things you can do to turn back and begin celebrating Christmas the way it was intended to be celebrated. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Read the story of the first Christmas in the Bible. You will find it in the beginning of the book of Luke. This will set your mind on Jesus and get it off of the world's definition of Christmas.

2. Set a cap on how much your family is going to spend this Christmas. Look for gifts that are meaningful, whether they are used or brand new. If you find a book your daughter wanted to read in a used book store and it will save you $5, buy it and teach your daughter to appreciate it. Give that extra $5 you would have spent to a charity. Putting a cap on your Christmas spending will help you not to go overboard.

3. Find a charity you can contribute to for the Christmas season. There are organizations that supply toys to families in need and there are soup kitchens that supply Christmas meals to the homeless. You can volunteer your time or donate some money so they can get the products they need to serve others who are less fortunate.

4. Go Christmas caroling with your family and friends. When you are finished with each house, make sure you hand a Christmas tract to the people you sang to and wish them a Merry Christmas. You can also invite them to your church's Christmas Eve services.

5. Participate in your Church's live nativity scene. The live scene is usually scheduled to be out on Christmas Eve from 8 p.m. to midnight so often times church members take shifts. All types of people are needed so sign up. There is no talking required so you don't have to be a good actor, and the church should have the costumes you need.

6. Spend Christmas Eve at church. Give praise and glory to God who sent his son to earth to take away our sins. Remember that Christmas is a holy day.

7. Spend time in prayer Christmas morning before the tearing open of gifts. Thank God for what he has provided for your family.

8. Have dinner with your family and find things to appreciate about each other. Re-read the passage in Luke which describes the first Christmas and discuss it.

Tags: your family, first Christmas, that supply, with your, with your family, your daughter