Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Create Business Flyers With Templates

Create Business Flyers With Templates

Flyers provide a general overview of a company's services and products. Small- and medium-sized businesses can develop professional-looking promotional flyers in-house by using templates installed with a word processing or a basic desktop publishing program without hiring a creative design agency. As a tool or add-on to the application, these programs offer a project gallery of common document types organized according to function, such as business, home and school. From these categories, users can preview installed template designs to select an appropriate flyer format. Publishing programs such as MS Publisher include wizards customize and create a flyer.


Word Processing

1. Launch the word processing application (such as Microsoft Word or Apple iWorks Pages) and select "Project Gallery" or "Project Center" under "File" in the top menu bar if this screen doesn't open at launch.

2. Select the "Templates" category and then "Flyers" or "Business" as a subcategory. Select "Flyers" as a template type if needed. Note: the template gallery can be accessed in MS Word 2007 by selecting "New" under the Office ribbon, "New Document" and then the "Installed Templates" option.

3. Review the thumbnail images to select a layout and design theme based on the type of information and content. For example, select a data sheet layout to prepare a flyer with product specifications or choose a layout with placeholders for pictures and minimal text to create an announcement flyer.

4. Double-click the desired template layout or click the "Open" or "Create" button.

5. Type the desired text in the placeholder blocks by highlighting the "dummy" text and typing content. Note: use the placeholder blocks to organize content (such as headlines, sections and contact information).

6. Select the desired picture files and drag each to the desired picture placeholder to replace the image by clicking the file, pressing and holding the mouse button and dragging the file to the desired location on the document; release the mouse button to drop the file into place.

7. Select the outside border of the text block and change the formatting options as desired, using the formatting option or toolbar.

8. Save the business flyer as a document by selecting "Save" (usually under "File" in the top menu bar), typing a file name and clicking the "Save" button.

9. Print the flyer using a color printer, if desired.

Publishing Applications

10. Launch the publishing application to open a Project Gallery containing wizards or assistant utilities.

11. Select the "Flyer" category to display a directory of designs and layouts as thumbnail images.

12. Select a type of flyer, if available, such as "Informational" in Microsoft Publisher to narrow down the gallery of designs.

13. Click to select the desired template from the directory and click the "Start Wizard" or "Begin" button.

14. Select the options according to each step in the Flyer Wizard, based on the design template (such as color scheme, pictures and number of pages). Click the "Next" button to proceed through the Flyer Wizard.

15. Type the requested information such as business name and contact information, as indicated by the Flyer Wizard and click the "Next" button.

16. Click the "Finish" button to close the Flyer Wizard, save the settings and open a flyer template as a new document.

17.Select each the text block and type the content.

18. Select the picture placeholder to open a directory to select the desired picture (click the "Insert" button after selecting the picture).

19. Save the business flyer by selecting "Save" under "File" in the top menu bar.

20. Print the business flyer to a color printer, if desired.

Tags: Flyer Wizard, business flyer, desired picture, File menu, under File, under File menu, Business Flyers