Friday 20 February 2015

Create A Birthday Invitation For Free

Create unique birthday invitations for free.

If you are planning a birthday party, then you need invitations. Create your own for free by using the materials and resources you already have at your house. Hand deliver invitations to cut down on postage costs. Recycle usable envelopes you have in your stationary stash. Each invitation can be unique and creative, rather than being uniform.


1. Download a free birthday invitation template from a website such as Microsoft Office. Click the green "Download" button on the page of the template you choose. The invitation will download into your word processing program.

2. Click on the text boxes to replace the filler text with your personal text about your birthday party.

3. Save your document, and print it.

4. Fold your invitations, and slip them into envelopes you have collected from your stationary stash.

5. Place stickers on the outside of the envelope. Use markers in different colors to draw designs and address the envelope.

Tags: birthday party, envelopes have, have your, stationary stash, your stationary