Thursday 19 February 2015

Create 3d Characters

It's easy to create 3D characters if you just have the right software. Many software programs allow you to create a character based on an actual person with only two pictures. iClone 2 is one of the best programs for this purpose. It not only permits you to create an individualized face for your character, but also allows you to customize and animate the character.


1. Download iClone2 from the Reallusion website. Double-click on the installation file and follow the instructions provided in the installation windows.

2. Run iClone2. Select Tools > Character on the left of the screen. Select the character from the Template list which best fits the character you would like to create.

3. Download or scan two pictures of the person whose face you would like to model. The first picture should be face front, and the second should be profile. The higher the resolution of these pictures, the better.

4. Click Tools > Face in the left column. Select Load Image from the buttons above the character display window. Use the Select Face tool to select the face front image which you downloaded or scanned. Click the check button to crop the image. Click Next.

5. Adjust the facial boundaries. Select the white dots within the blue lines so that they surround the facial contours of the frontal image. Use the corner dots to rotate the facial boundaries. Click Next.

6. Adjust the facial orientation. Click on the blue-lined face mask until it is relatively well-centered within the image. Rotate the 3D preview to see if you have created the desired effect. Click Next.

7. Zoom in slightly by using the plus button above the face image. Adjust the white dots within the blue lines so that they correspond with the facial features of your subject. Place the blue lines for the eyes within the eyes of the image you selected. Adjust the lines for the eyebrows, nose and mouth so that they correspond with the image as closely as possible. Zoom out using the minus button, and adjust the facial contours slightly. These are represented with yellow lines with white dots at intervals. Check the 3D preview at the left again to make sure the contours are right.

8. Click the Edit Side button directly above the image. Click Open Image at the left of the screen. Load the profile image which you downloaded or scanned. iClone 2 requires that your image be left-facing, but has no ability to flip the image. So if your profile image is right-facing, use a different software program to flip it so it's facing the left. Use the Select Face tool to crop the image. Click the check mark and click Next.

9. Adjust the boundaries of the face using the white dots on the blue lines. Click Next. Zoom in slightly using the plus sign above the image. Use the white dots appearing at intervals within the yellow lines to carefully adjust the profile so that it fits the profile of your image. Keep the adjustments as minimal as possible, and start over again if necessary. Adjust the two blue vertical lines to select the blend between the front image and the side image. Rotate the 3D preview to ensure that the finished product is what you want. Click OK, and give your face a name.

10. Add or change the hair, clothing by selecting features from the Template tab. To adjust the character's features, select Tools, then select the feature in question. Select Modify. For example, change the hair by selecting Tools > Hair then choosing the hair you desire. Then, if the hair appears to be sparse and mottled, select Tools > Hair > Modify. In the Scale section, increase all three values to 115, and see how the hair looks. If this appears to fix the problem, you are finished with the hair. If it still doesn't look right, adjust the numbers until the hair seems properly positioned in relation to the face you created.

Tags: white dots, blue lines, Click Next, image Click, Next Adjust, that they, above image