Friday 27 February 2015

Create Your Own Free Baby Shower Invitations

Create your own, free baby shower invitations using your comptuer and printer.

Baby showers are special parties for expectant mothers and unborn babies; the parties are focused around friends and relatives helping a new mother and father with the expense of having a baby by purchasing gifts for the baby. Friends or relatives of the expectant mother throw most baby showers; this host is the person in charge of making or filling out baby shower invites to other friends and family members. Hosts can save money for shower decorations and game prizes by creating their own free baby shower invitations instead of purchasing pre-made invitations.


1. Collect information about the baby and when the mother is available for the shower. If possible, bear in mind the sex of the baby to help shower guests purchase appropriate gifts. Work with the mother to decide on a good date for the shower, when the mother is free to be at the shower; ideally you should choose a weekend or evening when most guests are out of work.

2. Type out the contents of the baby shower invitation; be sure to include the date, time and location. You may additionally add into the invitation the directions to the shower, who is hosting the shower and details as to where the mother has placed a gift registry.

3. Decide on the size and fold-type of the invitation. You may make an invitation card that is a one-sided, non-folding piece or make cards with one, two, three or even four folds. Once you decide on the size, place the text on the screen accordingly. For a single, un-folded invitation, you may print four invitations onto a single sheet of card stock paper.

4. Decorate the card, once the relevant information is in place. Change the font color to a baby blue or a light pink to give away the sex of the baby. Add decorative text and baby-related icons and pictures to the invitation as well. Add a small banner that announces "It's a Boy!" or "It's a Girl", if you want. Include small pictures on the invitation of pacifiers, bonnets, bottles, bibs, diapers and safety pins.

5. Print out the created baby shower invitations. Cut out invitations if several are printed onto one sheet or fold the invitations as necessary.

Tags: baby shower, shower invitations, baby shower invitations, free baby shower, pictures invitation, when mother