Thursday 26 February 2015

Create My Own Flyer Design

Flyers appear in newspapers or are distributed around the community by hand.

Flyers are an easy way to spread information. They can be used to advertise businesses, events and causes or simply to give information. The two basic parts of a flyer are the copy (words) and images that are used to give the reader information. You don't need to have any expensive design programs or even a lot of computer know-make an effective flyer. Hand drawn flyers are often just as successful as those made entirely on a computer. The most important thing is to make sure you get your message across.


1. Develop the main purpose of your flyer. In order to create an effective flyer, the purpose of the flyer needs to be very clear and concise. Don't make broad generalizations that leave the audience guessing and render the flyer nearly useless. If the flyer is for a charity dog show, the words "charity dog show" need to be prominently placed on the flyer.

2. Write the flyer's copy. How something is said is just as important as what is said. Decide just what information needs to be included on the flyer and word it as succinctly as possible. The name of an organization, contact information, time and location of an event and key features of a service can all be included in the copy to give the reader a better understanding of the flyer's purpose.

3. Design a rough sketch of the flyer's layout. Play around with the size and location of the copy. If there are any specific images that need to be included on the flyer (company logo, product image), reserve a prominent place for them.

4. Type out the copy using a word processing program. Decide on the font that will be used and how large it will appear. Remember that not all of the copy needs to appear exactly the same size. The more important information should be separated visually from the rest of the copy whether it's done by changing the font size, italicizing it or having it appear in a bold typeface.

5. Transfer the copy into a design program. Depending on the design program being used, the copy can be manipulated in different ways or just left as is.

6. Add images to the flyer. Try to limit the flyer's design to either a single large image or a grouping of several small images. The copy should be the most prominent part of the flyer and too many pictures floating about will distract the reader.

7. Fine tune the design of the flyer. Try to create a balance between the copy and the images so that the reader's eye travels over the entire flyer as opposed to being stuck in one location.

Tags: images that, charity show, design program, effective flyer, flyer copy