Tuesday 24 February 2015

Create A Weekly Menu For A Senior Citizen

Senior citizens who have healthy diets can extend their lifespan and improve their quality of life. By planning a weekly menu that's packed with nutritious foods and avoiding high-calorie, high-fat foods, seniors can enjoy their later years as much, if not more, than their youths.


1. Select foods low in cholesterol and steer clear of foods high in saturated fat and trans fats. Trans fats are often a part of processed foods, including cookies and cakes. Instead, plan a menu rich in protein, vegetables and whole grains.

2. Plan breakfasts to include at least 1 serving each of whole grains, fruit and dairy items. A small whole-wheat bran muffin, a medium banana and 1 cup of yogurt satisfies a serving each of 3 of the 5 major food groups.

3. Incorporate 1 to 2 servings of protein and vegetables, along with whole grains, fruit and dairy into the lunch menu for the senior citizen. Some good choices include a boneless, skinless chicken breast, a small salad of romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers, and a whole wheat roll. Serve the senior an 8 ounce glass of calcium-rich milk as his beverage.

4. Include whole grain pasta or brown rice, lean meat, fish, or poultry and multi-hued vegetables, such as broccoli and sweet potatoes, in the senior citizen's dinners for the week.

5. Serve a variety of fresh and seasonal fruit as the senior citizen's desserts. Consider mixing a serving of yogurt with different fruit each night of the week for a delicious and healthy treat.

6. Offer the senior citizen frequent drinks of water, milk and juice throughout the day. With age, some seniors lose the sense of thirst, and it's essential that they stay hydrated to maintain energy and alertness and to avoid constipation.

7. Encourage the senior citizen to engage in some form of physical activity each day to complement the healthy weekly menu you've planned for him.

Tags: senior citizen, whole grains, fruit dairy, grains fruit, grains fruit dairy, protein vegetables