Monday 2 March 2015

Date A Glam Rocker

Expect to get a lot of attention if you date a glam rocker

You think you’ve found your Mr. Right. He’s a glam rocker, covered in glitter, glitz and he looks great in spandex leopard pants. While deciding you like him was easy, it’s a tad more challenging to establish a relationship with such a fellow. You can date a glam rocker with a lot of tolerance and several steps that will help you ease into what you’re getting into.


1. Dress the part. You don’t have to change your whole wardrobe, but do get yourself some glam rocker outfits to wear for your night on the town so you two make a striking couple. Items can include fringe boots, glitter hairspray, lots of makeup and jangly accessories, tights and spandex anything.

2. Embrace the lifestyle. Sex, drugs and rock and roll will definitely be on the agenda. You don’t have to turn into a junkie or even do any drugs, but know they will be on the scene and you might be hanging around those who do. Don’t snicker and moan for it’s all part of the package when you date a glam rocker.

3. Tolerate groupies. Yes, nubile, young females may swarm around your boyfriend like flies. Acting jealous, haughty and angry will not scare them off, but it may scare your boyfriend off. This is not to say you have to invite the groupies home, but do tolerate their fawning. After all, you are the one he goes home with.

4. Expect lonely nights. A steady stream of gigs, tours and other glam rocker engagements may keep your honey far from home. Support him by attending concerts and functions when you can, but you are not expected to quit your job and hop on the tour bus across the country, unless, of course, you want to.

5. Be ready for attention. As his faithful girlfriend, you may be in the limelight as much as he is. Don’t shun it or get mad at those who offer the attention, this is what glam rocking is all about. The more attention you guys get the better, unless it’s for things like getting drunk and smashing into the city hall fountain. Besides, your photo might make it into one of those tabloids and you can send a copy to your mother.

Tags: glam rocker, date glam, date glam rocker, your boyfriend