Friday 6 March 2015

Decorate For A Hawaiianthemed Party

Plastic leis are an inexpensive yet effective means of decorating your party.

A luau or Hawaiian theme is a very popular choice for parties in any season. In the summer, it is easy to pull together a Hawaiian theme for a party that you will be hosting outdoors. In the winter, a luau is a welcome reminder that the dreary cold weather won't last forever. Whatever the season, decorating for your Hawaiian party is simple and can be accomplished even on a tight budget. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Tiki torches help set the mood.

Create a dramatic entryway for your party by lining the walk with lit tiki torches. If you are concerned about fire safety, there are solar-powered options available.

2. A grass skirt can be purchased inexpensively at most party stores.

Decorate your main table by attaching a grass table skirt to the entire perimeter of the table. Place all food items on the main table.

3. Cover all other tables with brightly colored pink, orange, green and yellow tablecloths.

4. PIneapples make perfect decorations.

Place a pineapple, surrounded by coconuts and colorful plastic leis, in the center of each table as decoration.

5. Glue artificial hibiscus flowers onto plain metal barrettes, using a hot glue gun.

6. Artificial hibiscus flowers work well with this theme.

Gather white napkins and attach a decorated barrette to each napkin. Place one at each place setting.

7. String white Christmas lights around the perimeter of your party area. If you are holding your party outdoors, use a fence, trees or whatever is available to mark off the party area with the lights.

Tags: your party, decorating your, Hawaiian theme, hibiscus flowers, main table, party area