Tuesday 10 March 2015

Decorate Your Shadow Box Coffee Table

Glue gun

Decorating a shadow box coffee table doesn't have to be difficult, but it requires a moderate amount of planning. You and your guests will be viewing this coffee table every time you have a seat, making it important that you decorate it to its fullest potential. Shadow boxes give you the opportunity to create illusions, making objects inside of them appear as if they're coming toward the viewer. Photographs and souvenirs are common shadow box items that are easy to decorate with, and give visitors an idea of what home sweet home is to you. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Lay out the objects you plan to use in your shadow box to determine how many items you need to fill the space.

2. Glue a foam square to the back of each photograph you are going to use, no larger than 1/3 of the size of the picture. Use the glue gun for this. Try to center the square to keep it from being visible. Allow the glue to dry for one to two minutes.

3. Place the photos in the shadow box according to your layout plan. The foam squares will give your photos elevation and a shadow of their own in the display. While using foam is optional, it's a great way to make photos more eye-catching.

4. Place other trinkets and small souvenirs around the photos in the shadow box according to your layout plan. Souvenir spoons, seashells and even tickets to events make great conversation starters.

Tags: according your, according your layout, coffee table, layout plan, photos shadow, photos shadow according, shadow according