Friday 13 March 2015

Do Party Cupcake Decorations

Party cupcakes should match the theme of the party.

When it comes to an event with adults or children, cupcakes are the perfect addition: they provide small, tasty ornamental bites of cake, the right size for the small stomachs of children and weight-conscious adults. Party cupcakes usually distinguish themselves from other types of cupcakes because, while other cupcakes can simply look pretty, delicious and decorative, cupcakes for a party should match the theme of the party. When you set out to decorate cupcakes for a party make sure you keep the party theme in mind. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Brainstorm and write down a list of ideas connected to the theme. For example, if it's a circus-themed party, you should write down things such as clowns, tigers and acrobats. On the other hand, if the party has a floral theme you might write down all the types of flowers you'd like to make out of cupcakes.

2. Create your base color of frosting. For many cupcakes, this color is going to be white and you won't need to prepare the color. Other cupcakes, such as fruit-themed cupcakes, animal cupcakes or clown cupcakes, might require a bright color for the base. In this case, add several drops of food coloring into the vanilla frosting. Mix well. Add additional drops of food coloring until you achieve the right shade.

3. Frost the cupcake with a butter knife or a plastic spoon scraper. For example, if it's a baseball-themed party, start by frosting your cupcakes with vanilla frosting as the base color for the baseball cupcakes. On the other hand, your base color might be bright orange if you're making the cupcakes into tigers for an animal-themed party.

4. Mix additional colors of frosting by adding drops of the appropriate shades of food coloring. Combine the colors well.

5. Scoop the additional colors of frosting into plastic zipper-sealed bags. Lock them tightly. Snip a hole in one corner. You now have a homemade baker's frosting bag.

6. Draw details onto your cupcake with your additional colors of frosting from the bag. For example, if making a baseball, you'd use the frosting bag to draw on the red stitching of a baseball. However, if you're making a tiger cupcake, use the frosting bag to draw on the tiger's stripes. For a floral-themed party, use the frosting bag to create the flower petals for each different flower.

7. Add details by using candy and pastry decorations. For example, if making tigers or clowns, you'd add M&Ms to the cupcake for the eyes. You can use different colored M&Ms or jelly beans as the center for each flower. If making a baseball cupcake, add tiny red sprinkles to the red icing of the baseball stitches. The possibilities are endless.

Tags: additional colors, additional colors frosting, base color, colors frosting, food coloring, write down