Wednesday 18 March 2015

Find The Best Time To Visit Hanauma Bay

Hanauma Bay is famous for its marine life and vibrant coral.

Hanauma Bay is a "C"-shaped part of the southeastern shore of the island of Oahu, Hawaii, just 10 miles from Waikiki. In 1967, it was deemed a nature preserve for the conservation of its diverse wildlife and vibrant coral. The bay attracts thousands of tourists each year who wish to snorkel with the fishes. Determining the best time to visit is key to enjoying your experience.


1. Search the Internet for websites that highlight Hanauma Bay and detail it's open hours, days and comments on the best time to visit. These may include Hawaii's official site, Go Hawaii, and Honolulu's official government website as well. Sites like these, maintained regularly, will have the most accurate information about entrance times. For example, the Go Hawaii website will inform you that the reserve closes on Tuesdays.

2. Purchase a travel guide about Hawaii or Oahu which has a detailed section about Hanauma Bay. You can find a copy at your local bookstore. Find the most recent edition for the most updated information. Frommer's and Lonely Planet are excellent resources; they may be available at your local library.

3. Speak with family and acquaintances who have travelled to Hanauma Bay. They may be able to give you important tips, such as arriving by car early in the morning or middle of the afternoon. The parking lot at the preserve is not large enough to hold all the visitor cars, and it usually fills up by the middle of the morning. Arriving as early as possible is the best way to ensure your space. In the middle of the afternoon, visitors who came early are leaving. You may be able to find parking then.

4. Search for information about Hawaii's off seasons to avoid the large crowds. Hawaii's temperature varies between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year, so nearly any time is bearable when it comes to the weather. Nevertheless, you may want to go during a less-populated month. Visit the park between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. during Hawaii's winter season, which runs from October to March. The park remains open an extra hour until 7 p.m. during the summer months of April through September.

5. Speak with a travel agent who regularly books trips to Hanauma Bay or Oahu. Though the agent may not have been there, he may have collected survey information about a client's trip or heard feedback from a client about when he should or should not have gone.

Tags: information about, about Hawaii, best time, best time visit, middle afternoon, Speak with, time visit