Friday 13 March 2015

Jump A Passing Route In Football

Playing defense is a multi-faceted job that requires great physical skills and the ability to think along with your opponent. Understanding which routes a receiver likes to run and the passes that the quarterback prefers to throw are two of the requirements of the job. A good defensive back also needs to know the mind of the offensive coordinator so he has a good idea of what play is coming next. When he has all that information available to him, he can attempt to jump the pass route and pick off a pass and take it in for a touchdown.


1. Realize that the game of football is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. By allowing the receiver you are covering to catch a couple of short passes early, you can give him a sense of false confidence that he can get open and catch that pass any time he wants. That's just what you want him to believe.

2. Play your opponent with tight man-to-man coverage and do everything you can to stop him now that he has caught a couple of passes. If you have kept him from getting open three or four plays in a row, you are now starting to get inside his head. Back off a bit as if you are going into zone coverage. The quarterback will notice and will likely have the receiver run a shorter pattern. If the shorter pattern turns out to be an eight-yard square out, you will have an opportunity to jump that pass route.

3. Spring your trap on the wide receiver. Take your normal position across from him and then quickly back off about five yards. As he begins his route and cuts to the outside of the field, break into a dead sprint towards the spot you believe the quarterback will throw. As the quarterback cocks his arm, keep your eyes on the ball.

4. Drive toward the receiver's inside shoulder and keep your eyes on the ball. Extend your arms and you should be in line to make a play on the ball. If it is an accurate throw, you can pick off the pass on the dead run and probably take it in for a touchdown. By allowing the receiver an easy catch or two earlier, you have sold him on the idea that he can get open any time he sees a particular coverage. However, by jumping the route and picking off the pass for a touchdown, you have imposed your will on the game and become a dominant player.

5. Don't try to do this too often. The quarterback can defeat this strategy with a pump fake. Instead of throwing the ball after his receiver begins his break, he holds on to the ball and fakes the throw. At that instant his receiver turns upfield. If you have jumped the route, the receiver will be wide open for a big play--possibly a touchdown.

Tags: allowing receiver, eyes ball, keep your, keep your eyes, pass route, pick pass, quarterback will