Tuesday 3 March 2015

Decorate A Classroom With A Pig Theme

The decor in your classroom can go a long way in motivating and captivating your students. While many teachers decide to decorate their classrooms with a hodgepodge of miscellaneous items, you may feel that a single theme is a better way to go. Here are some tips to decorate your classroom with a pig theme.


1. Get decorations from various pig-related books. "Charlotte’s Web" is not only a great book with an important message, it also features a pig. Make sure you have as many copies of "Charlotte’s Web" in the room as you do students. You can get pictures of Wilbur from various stages of his development and with various emotions on his face. This can be worked into your lesson plan as a way to get your students to understand their reading assignments and analyze the characters. Your pictures around the room will help them discuss the emotions. Piglet from the "Winnie the Pooh" books is another great source.

2. Get decorations from various pig-related movies. "Babe" is an obvious choice; "Dr. Doolittle" is another good choice. Look for ways to work decorations from these movies into a possible lesson plan as well. What lessons can Babe teach your students and what decorations from the movie can you choose that will encourage discussion about it?

3. Pig decorations can also help students learn about other cultures. A pig piñata or pigs wearing traditional costumes of various cultures can be displayed throughout your classroom. You can have your students each pick one pig to write an essay on or ask them to draw a pig that represents their cultural heritage.

4. Pigs can also help students learn about history. Create historical scenes from your history book using pigs instead of people. Ask your students to assist you in creating more of them as you go through the history book.

5. Pigs can also help children count. Print out pictures of pigs that match each other and hang them in different spots in your classroom. Ask your students to find and count them.

Tags: your students, decorations from, your classroom, also help, from various