Tuesday 6 January 2015

Hawaiian Potluck Ideas

The indelible marks of history have shaped Hawaii's cultural diversity.

The island chain of Hawaii has seen a flow of cultural shifting and blending for thousands of years, from the indigenous Hawaiian people to various immigrations from around the world. This flow has culminated in distinctive cultural touches that help make the modern Hawaii what it is. Great sources of inspiration for planning a Hawaiian potluck exist in this cultural blend.

Hawaiian Furniture

Study types of Hawaiian style furniture, ranging from traditional native Hawaiian designs to contemporary furniture with a native Hawaiian influence. Use certain types of furniture applicable to the needs of people attending the potluck, as well as the available space where the potluck will be held and its ambiance. For a large potluck, a sturdy and long table is a good choice. Cover it with kapa cloth or a cloth with a design that says "Hawaii" to you to enhance the Hawaiian feel of the potluck.

Hawaiian Serving Wear

Find out how indigenous Hawaiians served food at a meal. Make or buy the applicable items or find the closest equivalents. Examples of serving utensils used by native Hawaiians include such things as: wooden serving platters, which may have runners or decorative legs and have condiment compartments; wooden bowls with lids for serving; wooden bowls; leaves from the cabbage palm, used in place of plates; spoons made from coconut shells; coconuts, for drinking coconut water; wooden drinking cups; and hollowed gourds, such as the calabash, also known as the bottle gourd, used in place of drinking glasses. Types of wood used for serving and eating ware include wood from the portia and glueberry trees.

Hawaiian Cuisine

Traditional native Hawaiian cuisine includes varieties of seaweed, pig, chicken, bananas, sugar cane, pineapples, coconuts, various species of fish, bread fruit, arrowroot and taro root, from which comes poi, a paste made by mashing properly prepared taro root. Broiling, boiling and drying are common cooking methods used by native Hawaiians; even bananas are roasted. Provide condiments for the various foods people bring that are unique to Hawaii. Poi and inamona, a paste made from roasted nuts from the candleberry tree, are several examples of traditional Hawaiian condiments. To provide options to your guests, also suggest cuisine from immigrant populations in Hawaii, such as Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese or Filipino.

Hawaiian Music

If desired, play music during the potluck. Provide a variety of music that reflects Hawaii's various cultural influences. Examples of this kind of music include, but are not limited to, traditional Hawaiian chants, music influenced by indigenous Hawaiian culture and songs about Hawaii. Examples of Hawaiian-influenced musical artists include Don Ho, The Mahaka Sons, Keola Beamer and Queen Liliuokalani, writer of the famous song, "Aloha 'Oe."

Hawaiian Flower Decorations

Add flowers found in Hawaii to enhance the Hawaiian ambiance of the potluck. Flowers found in Hawaii include the hibiscus, rose of sharon, gardenia, heart of flame, orchid, kokutan, bird of paradise and plumeria. Use artificial flowers for a reusable flower decoration. If artificial flowers don't seem ecologically sound, use potted flowers or make flowers out of recyclable paper.

Speaking Hawaiian

If everyone invited to the potluck speaks Hawaiian to some degree, make it the language of the meal. This can be done to various degrees, such as using Hawaiian phrases in the course of the potluck, to speaking English only when necessary. Useful Hawaiian phrases to use at the potluck include: "mahalo," which means "thank you"; "aloha," which means "goodbye" or "hello"; "'O wai kou inoa?", which means "what is your name?" and "Ua makemake anei 'oe i wahi...?", which means "Would you like some...?" Another useful phrase for the hosts to know is, "Mahalo nui loa na ho'olaule'a me la kaua," or "Thank you for celebrating with us."

Tags: which means, native Hawaiian, artificial flowers, enhance Hawaiian, found Hawaii, Hawaii enhance, Hawaii enhance Hawaiian