Monday 19 January 2015

Homemade Pirate Birthday Invitations

Pirate theme

Create excitement with handmade, pirate-themed party invitations in the form of a treasure map. Invited guests will look forward with anticipation to attending a memorable event. Make invitations that promise excitement, adventure, favorite foods and treats. Let invitees become curious what games and activities will be held, what prizes will be awarded and what refreshments will be served. Make every guest who receives his map invitation feel special in being invited to this celebration.


1. Compose an invitation on the computer with a word processing program such as Microsoft Word. Use a bold lettering font that is artistic in style, such as Ravie, Chiller or Blackadder ITC. Use words that are pirate in theme but are age appropriate to the guests. Include such words as "ahoy," "mates," "plunder,"grub," "buccaneer," "pirate ship," "grog" and "booty." An example of the invitation wording can be:

"Ahoy, Mate:

Cap'n (birthday child's name) invites you to (his/her) pirate birthday party. Follow the map on (date of party) where "X" marks the spot (address of party) to the plunderin' and booty, grub and grog. Aye!!

Join in the treasure hunt for the lost pearl and play other games on the Captain's pirate ship, the Jolly Roger (or other name). Say aye or nay and let out a holler to (parents' telephone number). Arrrgh! See ye then or you'll be walkin' the plank or swabbin' the deck.

Be sure to wear your pirate bracelet to the party."

2. Print each invitation, centered on the paper with the blank map, in black ink. Have the birthday child participate in the creation of the invitation by signing his name if possible (as Captain _____) with colored markers. He can also add a few pirate stickers by his name.

3. Cut 12-inch strips of red ribbon with scissors. Roll each printed invitation and tie it closed with a ribbon, slipping in silicone bracelets with pirate sayings such as "Swab the deck," "Shiver me timbers" or "Yo Ho Ho."

4. Write the name of the invitee on the outside of the rolled invitation.

Tags: birthday child, pirate ship