Wednesday 4 March 2015

Decorate A Table For A Bridal Shower

Decorate a Table for a Bridal Shower

The perfect bridal shower is geared toward only the bride herself. A great table sets the stage for the rest of the party and shows the bride how much she means to you. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Learn about the bride. Does your bride-to-be like to laugh? Is she super girly? What colors will she have in her wedding? Does she detest silly giveaways? Chances are, if you're throwing a bridal shower, you probably have most of this information already. Gearing the shower toward the bride will be the best way to make her happy, and knowing what will make her happy is a great place to start.

2. Learn about the guests. Differences in age, experience, and closeness to the bride could make or break the shower. Decorating the table in the right colors but with the wrong items could give people a bad impression. For example, using barely-there undies as decorations might not be appropriate for your average great aunt.

3. Get creative. After determining what you think your bride likes and what types of guests might be arriving, it's time for some fun! Start with a tablecloth, which will act as the backdrop for everything else you include. The table is often the first thing a guest might see, so it's a great place to have small party favors or immediate eye-catchers. A well thought out table will provide a mysterious sneak peek into the type of party it will turn out to be...a mayhem of games, booze and naughty gifts or a relaxed event where friends and family can exchange gifts for the bride.

4. Go nuts at the craft store. If you're not a frequenter of craft stores, give one a try. Go in with a budget in mind and look around for anything that looks like it would follow along with your theme or party style. Walk through every isle for inspiration. You'll be surprised at how many items will seem just right for the bridal shower table.

5. Make it happen. Give yourself enough time to make it look how your mind's eye sees it. Prepare anything complicated ahead of time and allow enough time to get everything set up before any guests arrive.

Tags: bridal shower, Bridal Shower, Decorate Table, Decorate Table Bridal, enough time