Monday 20 April 2015

Make A Christmas Gift Basket

Make a Christmas Gift Basket

The holiday season and all the gift-buying that goes with it can add even extra financial burden to our already overspent pocketbooks. A beautiful, handmade Christmas basket, is a creative and inexpensive way to present a gift from the heart. Here is make a simple one that is sure to be appreciated.


1. Have great ideas and a creative mind. Think of the recipients of the gift baskets and how they will respond when they find out you actually spent the time and energy to make a personal gift for them. A positive attitude and joy in making the gifts is key.

2. Make a list of family and friends who you think will love a holiday gift basket from you. Separate the individuals into categories according to age and gender, for example, kids, teenagers, family members and colleagues. This will help you to organize your shopping list for the items you will need to buy. Remember, bulk buying is the way to keep the spending costs low.

3. Be as creative as you can when deciding upon the types and styles of holiday gift baskets to create, for example, spa gifts, health products, food items, home-baked cookies or toy items for kids. Once you have decided upon the types and how many you will make, find out where your local outlet malls or craft stores are located to find more discounts and cheaper priced items. Alternatively, you can shop online and find many bargains and ideas to fill your gift baskets.

4. Buy inexpensive wicker baskets from your local dollar store or a wholesale craft store. First, fill the basket with decorative paper wrappings and gift tassles. This will help to bulk out and fill the basket so it will give the illusion of a very filled basket and will also help display the items in a festive manner.

5. Fill the gift basket with the items you purchase. You can tape the items down in position with tape so they stay in place. Personalize the basket with homemade gift cards or add a holiday picture of you and your family. You can also spray the basket with some aromatherapy oils to keep it looking and smelling beautiful. This is a particularly great idea for health or spa gift baskets.

6. Wrap the whole basket filled with the items carefully in colored gift wrap and tie the top of the basket with a beautiful large bow or ribbon. Add a gift card and it is now ready for giving to a family member, friend or colleague.

Tags: basket with, gift baskets, basket will, Christmas Gift, Christmas Gift Basket, fill basket