Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Make A Palm Tree For A Room

Whether you are throwing a Hawaiian themed party for your next indoor event or you want to be reminded of tropical weather, make a palm tree for your room. Artificial palm trees do not need a tropical climate. You can eventually rent out your fake palm trees or give them away to friends and family. Artificial indoor palms trees can last for years without the stress of pests and regular maintenance.


1. Wrap the exterior surface of a 6-inch by 6-foot cardboard carpet roll with hot, moist towels. Remove the towels after one hour. The hot, moist towels steam the exterior surface to mimic palm bark on the carpet roll. Let the carpet roll dry for three hours.

2. Insert one end of the carpet roll vertically into a large plant pot. The closed end of the carpet roll faces upwards. Pour sand into the plant pot until the plant pot is full. The sand supports the weight of the carpet roll and branches.

3. Cut the hooks off of 21 wire hangers, using wire cutters. Bend the wire hangers with pliers to straighten the hangers.

4. Position three straight wire hangers together and attach them using duct tape. The connected hangers are the fronds and are strong enough to support the weight of the fake palm leaves. Continue until you have made seven fronds.

5. Pour 2 cups of hobby glue with 1 cup of water into a spray bottle. Shake the solution inside the spray bottle. Spray the surfaces of twenty-one 24-by-6-inch craft paper sheets with the solution. Let the solution dry for five hours.

6. Fold the craft paper in half. Cut 2 1/2-by-1-inch indentations into the each 6-inch side of the paper. Do not cut past the folded crease. The wire fronds will be placed in the center of the paper on the folded crease to support the palm leaves. Alternate by cutting an indentation into the paper and leave the paper next to the indentation uncut. Repeat until the craft paper simulates palm leaves.

7. Spray paint both sides of the leaves, using green spray paint. Cover the work space with newspaper and let the spray paint dry for five hours.

8. Position and glue the wire fronds in the center of the craft paper leaves, using a hot glue gun. Let the hot glue dry for 20 seconds. Repeat until all seven wire fronds are covered in palm leaves.

9. Drill seven 1/16-inch holes around the top and top sides of the carpet roll, using a power drill and 1/16-inch drill bit. Space the holes evenly around the top and top sides of the carpet roll. Insert the ends of the wire fronds into the holes at 90-degree angles. Glue the edges of the wire fronts to the carpet roll, using a hot glue gun.

Tags: carpet roll, craft paper, palm leaves, wire fronds, wire hangers