Thursday 30 April 2015

Make A Relaxing Song Mix For A Party

Constructing a successful song mix for any type of party may seem like a challenge. It can be hard to gauge the tastes of everyone in attendance, and you could aggravate a partygoer by including a song he or she dislikes. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Consider the people likely to attend your party. Tailor the musical genres included on your song mix to the tastes of your partygoers.

2. Compile a list of songs that fit into your selected genres. Omit songs with controversial lyrics or grating tones to avoid turning a relaxing party into a mosh pit.

3. Organize your playlist into a cohesive unit. Transition between songs with similar tempos in order to steer clear of jarring changes between tracks.

4. Record your playlist onto a cassette or burn it to a CD. Make sure to test out your music before your guests arrive; there's nothing worse than a party without music.

5. Take notice of your guests' reactions to the playlist. If you hear any negative remarks about your choices, consider skipping to another track. Above all, you want to keep the party going.

Tags: songs with, your guests, your playlist