Friday 24 April 2015

Make A Homemade Lifesize Cut Out

Life-size cut outs are great for self-promotion, entertainment and decoration. Custom cut outs are typically quite expensive if ordered from a professional. It's often difficult to justify this expense especially considering you can make your own for under $20 that yields impressive results. To make this possible all you need is high resolution photograph of yourself, a celebrity, cartoon character or whatever you'd like to replicate and the help of a free photo enlarging and partitioning online program called Rasterbator. With a few household tools you'll create your own homemade cardboard cut outs in a matter of minutes.


1. Visit Rasterbator's official website Homokaasu and click on "Rasterbator online." Click the "Next" button to upload a picture to Rasterbator for image sizing and partitioning. Browse your computer files for the correct image and click "OK" once you've found it.

2. Crop the image to remove the background or white space by clicking on the boxes around the perimeter of the picture and dragging them towards the center of the image until only the image of the person you want mounted on the cardboard fills the crop box.

3. Click on the "Size" button found in the "Mode" section on the right side of the screen to give them image proper dimensions. Click on the drop box next to "Paper Size" and select the paper size you'll use to print the image.

4. Measure or find out the height of the person featured on your cardboard cut out. Click on the right corner of the image and drag to the bottom right until the image is the correct size, size is displayed directly beneath the image.

5. Click the "Next" button in the bottom right hand corner. Configure the final Rasterbator options by selecting a black and white or color image and adjusting the dot size. Set a large dot size if your image is really big and set a small dot size if your image is really small. Leave the dot size at its default setting if you are unsure.

6. Click the "Rasterbate" button and save the sized and partitioned image to your desktop as a PDF file. Double-click on the saved PDF file and click the "Print" button on the top left corner to print the image.

7. Line up the each piece of the image onto the cardboard sheet. Apply an even coat of glue to the back of each paper using a paint brush and firmly stick onto the cardboard one-by-one.

8. Allow the glue to set. Cut away excess cardboard with utility knife by tracing the image. Cut a right triangle out of the excess cardboard and glue an edge to the bottom-back of the cut out to help it stand up right.

Tags: bottom right, Click Next, Click Next button, excess cardboard, image really