Tuesday 21 April 2015

Make A Flaming Word On Photoshop

Make a Flaming Word on Photoshop

Photoshop, Adobe's graphics editing and photo manipulation software, allows users to create digital designs using a variety of tools and filters. With Photoshop, you can make text appear as if it is on fire using layer-blending tools, manipulation techniques and filters. The text can be used on its own or combined with a graphic to create a flaming logo, a desktop background, forum signature or any other image type. The process takes very little artistic skill and relies primarily on Photoshop's automated algorithms. You can also change the colors used for a variety of additional effects, including ice and smoke.


1. Create a new file by choosing "File" from the Photoshop toolbar and clicking on "New." The background color does not matter, but the effect will show up best on a black background.

2. Select the "Horizontal Type Tool" and enter the text you would like to make flaming. The font type and size does not matter, but the effect will look best with a large, thick font.

3. Click on the "Filter" menu and choose "Distort" and then "Ripple." Enter a value of 100 percent for the "Amount" and click the "OK" button.

4. Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise by clicking on the "Edit" menu and choosing "Transform" and then "Rotate 90 CW." Return to the "Filter" menu and select "Stylize" then "Wind." Choose a "Method" of "Wind" and "Direction" of "From the Right." This will give the text the base for the flames. Return to the "Edit" menu and choose "Transform," then "Rotate 90 CCW" to return the text to its original orientation.

5. Apply the ripple filter again by clicking on the "Filter" menu, choosing "Distort," and clicking on "Ripple." Use the same settings, which should appear already filled in on the ripple window.

6. Change the color of the text to more closely match flames by opening the "Image" menu and choosing "Adjust," then "Hue/Saturation." Check the "Colorize" box and set "Hue" to "40" to add an orange color and "Saturation" to "100" to make the color vibrant. Then click the "OK" button.

7. Open the Liquify tool by clicking on the "Filter" menu and choosing the option "Liquify." Click on the "Forward Warp Tool" and, with a small brush size of approximately 30, click and drag on the flames to distort them. Once you are satisfied with the way the flames look, click the "OK" button to apply your changes to the image. If you make a mistake, click on the "Reconstruct Tool" to undo your changes.

Tags: Filter menu, menu choosing, click button, clicking Filter, clicking Filter menu