Monday 20 April 2015

Make A Cute Costume Out Of An Old Costume For Teens

Recycle an old baby costume in to a new costume for a teenager.

It can be easy to make an inexpensive and unique costume for a teenager by recycling an old child-sized costume. Using an old costume and a picture frame, a teenager or adult can create a "baby picture" costume that is sure to amuse. Even if you don't have an old baby-sized costume on hand, you can borrow or purchase one for a fraction of the cost of an adult costume.


1. Attach an elastic band or ribbon to the neck of an old baby costume so it can be tied on a teenager. If the costume has a hood, cut the back of the hood open so that a teenager's head can fit inside. The costume should drape down the chest of the wearer.

2. Take the glass and any backing off of a large picture frame. If you don't have one, you can make one with long strips of cardboard.

3. Stuff the body of the baby costume. You can use filling if you have to, but it is better to use a doll and remove its head.

4. Have the teen get dressed in all black and attach the baby costume. The wearer can hold the frame in front of them to complete the look.

Tags: baby costume, costume teenager, picture frame