Thursday 23 April 2015

Make A Hawaiian Lei For Children

Make your lei out of different colors of cardstock.

In Hawaii, a lei is a traditional gift of welcome. It is typically made of real flowers, but if you are introducing your child to the history and culture of Hawaii, show him make a paper lei instead. A paper lei is a project the child can create at home, and after it is made, the child can wear the paper lei or hang it up in his room.


1. Draw five-petaled flowers on color card stock, making sure that each flower is between 2 and 3 inches wide.

2. Cut out each flower with scissors.

3. Punch a hole in the center of each flower with an awl or a large sewing needle.

4. Cut plastic straws into 1½-inch segments. There should be at least one segment for each flower.

5. Cut a length of yarn 6 feet long.

6. Thread the yarn onto a yarn needle and knot the ends together.

7. Show the child thread their lei, through the hole punched in each flower. Add a flower and then add a segment of straw. Continue until all the flowers and all the straws are threaded.

8. Tie the two ends of the yarn together. The paper lei is ready to be worn.

Tags: each flower, each flower with, flower with