Wednesday 8 April 2015

Hula Hoop Dance

Hula hooping has made a comeback

The hula hoop is one of the world's most enduring toys. Hula hooping was a fad in the 1950s, but its origins date back to ancient Egypt. Today, hula hooping has been reinvented as "hooping." Combining traditional hula hooping with free-form dancing, hooping is a great way to express yourself while getting exercise.


1. Buy a hula hoop in the correct size, as child-sized hoops will not work for adults. There are many stores online that sell customized hoops in many different sizes, styles and colors.

2. Put the hoop around your midsection between your belly button and chest. Move one foot to the front.

3. Press the hoop against your back. Slide the hoop to one side while moving your weight from one foot to the other. Continue this motion to keep the hoop spinning around.

4. Once you've mastered these basic steps, begin to experiment with different movements. Spin the hoop on your wrists and arms, around your legs or around your neck. Practice moving the hoop from place to place on your body while it's spinning.

5. Add music and create your own choreography, spinning the hoop on and around your body. There are no set routines in hooping--just move the hoop in ways that feel natural for you and the music.

6. Hoop with others in your community to socialize while you work out. Groups are available through many community centers and are also easy to organize. Try looking in the magazine link in our Resources section.

Tags: around your, hoop around, hoop around your, hula hoop, your body