Thursday 9 April 2015

Keep Entertained During A Blizzard

Blizzards can be scary when all the lights go out or boring when you're stuck in the house with nothing to do. They can also be the perfect family time. Everyone is gathered together in one place with nothing better to do. Follow these steps to keep entertained during a blizzard. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Play dark tag. When the lights are out and the sky is dark due to the blizzard get some flashlights and play tag in your dark house. Everyone should wear dark clothes so they aren't easily spotted with the flashlight.

2. Keep entertained by telling ghost stories. Start a fire in the fireplace if you have one, gather around as a family and tell the scariest ghost story you can think of. Make S'mores if you have the ingredients on hand.

3. Engage in board games by flashlight or lantern. This is the perfect time to be together as a family because no one has an excuse not to be there.

4. Have sex. A blizzard can be romantic for couples because there are no interruptions from everyday life. You have nothing better to do to keep entertained so it's guilt-free.

5. Make shadow puppets on the wall with the use of a flashlight, lantern or candles to keep kids entertained during the blizzard. Hold your hands in front of the light and make puppets with them. See if everyone else can guess what you're making.

6. Think about all the things you don't have to do now. You don't have to mow the lawn, pick up dog poop, wash the car, sweep the driveway or take out the trash. All you can do is relax and ride out the storm. It's the perfect excuse to be lazy.

Tags: during blizzard, entertained during, entertained during blizzard, flashlight lantern, nothing better, with flashlight