Oak trees can be damaged and even killed by fungal infections.
Some types of fungi can be very destructive to trees over time. Fungi can potentially break down the bark of a tree and use it for a food source. Oak tree are susceptible to several hundred different fungi varieties. Southern California is especially at risk because the climate is ideal for most types of fungus to thrive. While not all fungi are harmful, killing fungus on oak trees should be a priority as soon as it is discovered to prevent the tree from suffering damage. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Spray the tree with water from a garden hose and then scrub at the fungus with a scrub brush. The fungus that is dislodged will die since it is losing its source of nutrients in the tree. Fresh fungus is easier to remove this way since it hasn't had time to form a stronger bond with the tree.
2. Prune away any infected branches with pruning shears. Cover the branches in plastic and bury the edges of the plastic with a shovel for six months so the plastic forms a seal around the wood. Removing the branches after this and air-drying them will kill off the fungi on them, and prevent it from spreading.
3. Spray the oak tree with a fungicide. Follow all instructions and wear protective clothing to prevent any damage to the tree, or skin exposure.
Tags: Spray tree, Spray tree with, tree with