Wednesday 4 February 2015

Be Cordial To An Enemy

Using kindness is the key to winning over an enemy.

It may not be easy but being cordial to an enemy may lead to a positive relationship. Enemies can be made out of jealousy or due to issues that are beyond your control. Misunderstandings, disagreements or small issues also may be the culprit. Whatever the reason for why a person is your enemy, putting forth the effort to work toward a happy median can help diffuse the situation. Learning apply a little bit of pleasantness, friendliness and warmth can be a start.


1. Accept the person for who he is and recognize his better qualities. This will eliminate bad thoughts and/or negative feelings. Everyone possesses good qualities that can be acknowledged. Do not entertain gossip or negativity to keep bad vibes circulating.

2. Exhibit leadership behavior by speaking in a positive manner should any words be spoken to/or about an enemy. Follow the advice of "say something positive or say nothing at all." Greet your enemy with a smile at all times. This conveys there are no ill feelings. It also shows your refusal to take part in anything less than mature conduct. Respect is being given and the same is expected.

3. Initiate a meeting to discuss the issues that are dividing you and your enemy. Put forth the effort to gain a friend and make peace. Relate to her point of view and work toward a mutual agreement. Treat the relationship as if it is a new start. Forget the old, small things and leave them in the past. Present goals in working toward and maintaining a healthy relationship, should the meeting be a success. Be confident and sincere in the desired expectations and conclusion.

4. Discover his interests and invite him to attend an event of mutual interest. This will help to establish or re-gain the trust needed in relationships at any stage. Attending places or sharing things in common can be a start to seeing eye-to-eye.

5. Display patience and understanding. Being cordial may not turn an enemy into a friend, but should your enemy not be open to speaking or meeting with you, don't worry; at least you made an effort to turn a wrong into a right. Some things take time. Whenever your enemy decides it is the appropriate time for her, be more than willing to cooperate. Should that time never come, don't dwell on it. It takes too much time and energy to feed into negativity than to stay on the positive side and be happy.

Tags: your enemy, forth effort, issues that, This will, work toward