Tuesday 3 February 2015

Become A Disney Character At Disney World

There are different requirements for those wishing to becoming a character at the Walt Disney World resorts and theme parks. There are two different type of characters, costumed and look alike, which both require the cast member to be able to perform and interact with guests while in costume and be able to sign autographs of their assigned character. As a character you will be able to help guests get vacation memories, including stories and photographs to share. To become a character you must not only meet the requirements, but also go through an audition process.


Online Application

1. Apply to become a character online. Though it is not necessary to apply online prior to going to an open audition with Disney, it is a good idea to get the application process done and out of the way. But be prepared to fill out another application and other forms when arriving at your audition.

2. Go to the Disney Careers Entertainment website. To begin the application process click on "Start," an you will automatically be directed to the next page that will be filled with details about becoming a Disney cast member. When you are done reading this page, click on "Continue."

3. Read the next page. The next page you are taken to will include details about becoming employed by the Walt Disney World Resorts. You will read information detailing age requirements, background checks, previous employment verifications and past Disney employment. Once you have read and understand all of the information you will then click on all of the boxes stating that you verify you have read and understand all of the details. After you have clicked on all of the verification boxes click on "Continue."

4. Create an account. If you do not already have an account with Disney's employment website you will want to create one. If you already have an account you can log in and skip to the next step. To create an account click on "Create Account" and you will be taken to the proper page. There you will be asked for a log in ID, password and details about you, including address, email and phone. Complete details and click "Continue" when done.

5. Log in. You will want to log into your Disney account to continue the job application process. Once you are logged in you will be taken to a page with all of the positions Disney is hiring for at the time. If you wish to apply or see more details about the job, click on the role description. You will be taken to a job description page where you will have the option of clicking on "Apply for Job" at the bottom.

6. Wait for a response. If you are selected to audition for a role you will be given a call from one of Disney's entertainment casting agents. You will be given an audition time and information about what to bring with you. You can also look for open auditions that Disney holds throughout the year.

In Person

7. Stop by the Walt Disney World Casting Center across the street from Downtown Disney's Marketplace. The casting center will have a listing of all the roles they are currently hiring for, including a list of characters and audition information. Read through the list and mark those you wish to audition for.

8. Ask to speak with a Disney Entertainment Casting Representative. At this point if one is available you will be asked to sit in the lobby until called. While you are waiting you will be given an application to fill out. Fill it out completely before turning it back into the cast member at the information desk.

9. Talk to the Casting Representative. Take you time when speaking to the Casting Representative and ask as many questions as possible. You will want details about what they are looking for in a person who will be playing a character, how the audition process goes, what it takes to be a character and which roles you would be qualified for.

10. Schedule an audition. At the end of your conversation with the Casting Representative you will be given a list of upcoming audition times and locations. Pick a time to audition.


11. Check out the Disney Audition website. There you will find everything you need to know about auditioning for a Disney character at all of the Disney parks and resorts. Click on "Audition Calendar" to get a list of upcoming auditions. At the top of the page you will want to scroll down on the "I'd like to see" and click on "Character Performer" and then for the "Auditions at" section click on "Walt Disney World." You will then be taken to a page with all of the upcoming auditions for the Orlando theme park.

12. Scroll through the page. To see all of the different auditions scroll down the page. You will see auditions for parade performers, look a-likes and costumed characters. The list will include where the auditions are taking place, the date and what time. If you would like more information about the role click on the job description that is in blue. More details about the audition and role will expand down below the role title.

13. Go to the audition. Select which audition you are interested in auditioning for and go to it. You do not need to apply in person or online before going to a Disney Character audition, but it would be a good idea to still do so before going to the audition.

14. Wait for an offer. Once you have auditioned you will need to patiently wait for Disney to give you a call back. Depending upon the role you auditioned for Disney may call you back for a second audition or you may just be extended an offer.

Tags: details about, Disney World, Casting Representative, Walt Disney, Walt Disney World, will given, will want