Wednesday 4 February 2015

Be More Graceful

Be More Graceful

There is grace in disposition or acts and there is physical grace. Here we will discuss the latter and be more graceful. Natural physical grace isn't something everyone is born with. Many of us tend to rush, slouch and move with less grace than we'd like. You can be more graceful by being aware of your body and training yourself to move in a more self-assured manner.


1. Stand tall. Bad posture is the anathema of physical grace. Practice standing tall, with your shoulders back and abdomen pulled in. Not only does this make you appear more graceful, it elongates your body and has a thinning affect.

2. Slow down. Many of us rush through our day moving quickly from task to task and place to place. Slow down and become aware of your surroundings. Graceful people don't rush into a room looking harried, they move slowly and purposefully. Slowing down will also help you avoid falls, spills and other less graceful mishaps.

3. Get stronger. Graceful movement is much easier when you have strong muscles, particularly core muscles. Consider strength training routines that focus on making your muscles stronger and more flexible. Pilates and yoga are excellent choices for strength, coordination and balance.

4. Watch your stride. Stomping or walking heavily is not only anti-graceful, but it's not particularly good for your joints. Adversely, small mincing steps do not denote grace either. Adapt a self-assured stride. When you walk, walk with a purpose and be aware of your stride.

5. Consider dance classes. Dance classes are great for helping people become more graceful. Individuals with dance training tend to have more coordination, flexibility and grace. It's never too late to take dance classes. Many community centers or gyms offer dance classes for all ages.

6. Practice makes perfect. When you practice slower more graceful movements, the idea is to incorporate these movements into your daily routine. As with any training, the more you practice or use new techniques, the more likely these changes will become habit.

Tags: more graceful, aware your, dance classes, physical grace, Slow down, your body, your stride