Tuesday 10 February 2015

Buy Lifesized Cardboard People

Looking for cardboard people? From the swashbuckling Indiana Jones to leggy models chowing down on Uncle Ben's rice, you'll find an entire universe of life-sized cardboard figures. You can use them to enliven a party, to fool your friends or to fill a gallery room. Finding these figures can take some leg work, but the search can be part of the fun. You can look for them online, of course, but you might also look in three places that don't readily come to mind.


1. Try movie theatres. Talk to a supervisor about what the theatre will do with their large cutouts after the movie is not running. You may be able to make a deal for purchasing one of the figures you see sitting in the lobby.

2. Try supermarkets and retail stores where life-sized cutouts are on display. Talking to a manager may get you a direct sale of a model cutout. You may have to wait until the advertising campaign is over.

3. Try party supply stores. These celebration clearing houses sometimes offer attractive life-sized cutouts of diverse characters. PartyBox is one party retailer that sells life-sized cardboard figures.

Tags: cardboard figures, life-sized cardboard, life-sized cardboard figures, life-sized cutouts