Friday 13 February 2015

Choose A Christmas Party Theme

Christmas is a time to celebrate with friends and family, and throwing a Christmas party is a time-honored tradition that makes the holiday season something to be remembered and treasured.A themed party can be easier to plan for or harder depending on the theme you choose, so choose wisely with these simple tips. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Determine your budget. While this isn’t the fun part of planning a themed party it is necessary. By deciding how much you have to spend you’ll be able to decide if you can afford to plan a Christmas party with a unique theme or if you need to go with something more traditional.

2. Choose a venue. The venue where you decide to have the party also will affect the theme you choose because you’ll need to take into account any colors that might clash with your theme.

3. Decide what formality you want your party to be. If you’re throwing a children’s party you may be able to get away with handmade decorations and paper table cloths, whereas if you are throwing a party to impress a bunch of adult friends you’ll probably need linens.

4. Decide what you really want to celebrate at the party. Do you want to celebrate family Christmas or do you want to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Maybe you just want to celebrate winter, in which case snowflakes and snowmen would work in place of traditional Christmas decorations.

5. Flip through holiday decorating magazines and pick out your favorite looks. Decide what they have in common and if they will fit the formality of your party.

6. Go widow shopping. Retail stores begin gearing up for Christmas right after Halloween– if they wait that long. So head out for a window-shopping trip for some inspiration. While you’re shopping think about how you can recreate the same looks for less.

7. Keep notes about the holiday designs you’ve been looking at and how you think you can recreate the look on your budget. Once you’ve got all your ideas down in one place, use your notes to pick a theme.

Tags: want celebrate, Decide what, themed party, your budget, your party